Kirimari Boys among the striking schools in Embu PHOTO | RITA MUTHONI
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Authorities in Embu County have launched investigations to determine the cause of strikes by students from three schools within the county.

The affected schools include Kirimari Boys High School, Kegonge Boys High School, and Salvation Army (S.A) Kyeni Girls High School.

The unrest happened on Sunday evening, with students from Kirimari Boys High School in Manyatta Constituency launching the strike, pelting stones at windows, and walking out of the school.

Later in the night, students from Kegonge Boys High School in Runyenjes Constituency also walked out of the institution and on their way, influenced students from S.A Kyeni Girls High School who followed the trend.

It is alleged that examination anxiety could have triggered the strikes.

Addressing the press on Monday, Embu County Director of Education Kipruto Kosgei confirmed the seriousness of the situation and assured the public that thorough investigations were underway to uncover the root causes of the unrest.

“During the strike, students caused regrettable destruction by throwing stones at windows. We have asked our principals to increase school surveillance and improve grievance handling procedures to prevent future incidents,” Kosgei stated.

He also warned that students found to have instigated or participated in the destructive behavior would face legal consequences.

“We will conclusively investigate these three incidences, and planners and culprits will be laid down according to procedures so that these incidences do not escalate beyond where we are now, ” Kosgei noted.

Kosgei further urged all school administrations to remain vigilant during this examination period to prevent similar incidents and maintain order.

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