Some traders in the Embu's new market forced to close their business to shield their stock from rains.
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Traders at the newly constructed Embu Market face significant challenges due to inadequate roofing, resulting in business interruptions and losses.

While voicing their frustrations, the traders called for immediate action to rectify the situation noting that if the matter is not resolved, they may end up recording losses in the oncoming rainy season.

When the rains hit the grounds on Monday this week, the market’s insufficient roofing left traders vulnerable to the elements, causing damage to their goods and disrupting their daily operations.

Many vendors have reported losses of products damaged by rainwater, affecting their livelihoods. Traders in the cereals section are the most affected.

“Rain waters penetrate through these openings, exposing our goods to moisture, resulting in spoilage,” noted Nancy Wawira, a trader.

Wawira said whenever they cover their goods to save them from damage, they reduce their visibility and accessibility to customers, incurring further losses.

“We urge our Governor to expedite the re-construction of the proper roofing, “said Mercy Wakei, another trader.

“We are tired of constantly battling with the rain. Every time it pours, our stalls get flooded, and our produce gets ruined. This affects our businesses and our ability to provide for our families,” noted another trader.

Additionally, the traders noted that some open spaces within the market could provide easy access to robbery, calling for a swift move by the government to fill the spaces.

Wawira highlighted inadequate space and congestion as a major issue they have been facing since they relocated from the old market.

“We have been struggling to sustain and record profits since we started operating in the new market, but the limited space has made it difficult because we must rent stores outside,” she said.

A trader, only identified as Kamau said, “It is so absurd how they call this place Canaan, yet the environment still contradicts the name! We will only call it Canaan if they make things right here.”

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